District of Cacophony

A showblog/journal/diary, mainly taking place in Washington, DC

“How do they see when there is no light?”
“They live by night, they live by night!”

“Where do they go, and when do they sleep?”
“They live by night, they live with me!”

My friend Yulia had a photo show at the DC Photo Co-op in Shaw, and she invited the local band the Cornel West Theory to perform. They were nice enough to accept.

cornel west theory

I had seen these guys once before at the Sockets Showcase, and I liked them well enough. For the photo show, they put on a smaller-scale performance, just drums and bass and two vocalists. It was really good! Better than I expected, honestly. The sound was not that great (the vocals never really were able to get loud enough), but I was impressed by these guys’ energy and dedication to the performance, even in front of a small crowd.

I think maybe the first time I saw them, I’d been too tired to really get into it. But maybe the stripped-down version was actually objectively better anyway. At some point I will see them again and make a more definitive pronouncement. Anyhow they all seem like great people and I will keep cheering them on.

cornel west theory

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